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How do you deal with issues with fellow boaters........

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 7:16 am
by Bamby
I'll open with this question. Often we spend a lot of time loafing on our favorite sandbar. Their is a fine group of folks who many we'd now now call friends and we enjoy their company for the most part. But for some reason this year some have become very inconsiderate of their neighbors sharing the sandbar with them mostly concerning very loud music.

Now I'll admit I actually like music myself, but their is a good chance my taste of good tunes may not be your choice of music. And even if I do like and enjoy the tunes being played I may not enjoy it as loud as you do ether. I remember on one occasion a boater pulled in next to us and put in a Journey cd very loud and spent most all his time several boats down the sandbar. I did at one time like Journey but that was before I had to listen to his stereo replay that album over and over again for seriously several hours.

Then their are the cases where we were listening to our stereo at volume levels just loud enough to hear in just in front of out boat and enjoying ourselfs and maybe some friends company. It always seems inevitable some showoff nearby has to attempt to prove his stereo is louder, disrupting our good time. I just turn ours off and let them have their way but in reality it really irks me. Mostly because all they really have is very, very loud without any real sound quality forthcoming from their systems. I admit to having a real peeve with loud poor quality sound whether I like what they are listening to or not.

I've thought about installing a amp in ours, but in reality I don't like or want a range war. Though if I did I'd at least make sure it put out exceptional quality sound for others to hear. But in reality all I'd be doing is escalating the sound war which I really don't want to start to begin with. Is there anyone with any real suggestions or solutions out there?

Re: How do you deal with issues with fellow boaters........

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 8:11 am
by lakerunner
Not likely will it do any good to ask them to turn it down. More than likely they will turn it up more. If there are more of you than them you might be able to bully them to leave, Call your lake patrol for possible help, or get a really loud air horn and blast them away.
A megaphone and try singing along with them might work.

Manners no longer exist with the younger set these days, and I don't mean teens. Adults in 30's are just as bad. These also are the wake boarders who wash your boat with their wakes and slam your boats together when they hit you.

I would like to carry a good shotgun with slugs to puncture hulls.

Re: How do you deal with issues with fellow boaters........

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 8:18 am
by HandymanHerb
People are stupid these days, and the young kids just want to kill there hearing, like the guys at the concerts standing in front of the speakers in days past.

I say we put them all on a artillery range and give them all the bass they can stand.

I got a empty lot they turned into a park years ago next to the house, had a guy 100 yards from me, moving stuff on my coffee table, so I walked over to his car, he's got his head between the back speakers.

I tapped him on the back and motioned to turn it off and asked what he was doing, I got a speaker out and can't crank it at my house, I said you can't do it at my house either unless you want to fight.

Besides the speakers are fine, it's your ears that's screwed, hope you don't need a job where good hearing is a requirement.

I'm alway jumping guys who think just because they come to play basketball I should have to listen to there crap in my house.

Even had a used car lot near me at one time where they had a boom box on wheels playing to loud all day long, I finely called them and told them to turn the shit off, he asked what I was going to do about it.

I replied I own an old set of N-sync concert speakers and would be glad to set them up just for them and play them six hours of good Bluegrass Gospel at 120 DB's and I could out do the car easy.

Noise from the car lot quit within a minute, I guess they don't like Bluegrass Gospel :lol: :lol: :lol:

But it's a shame people in boats with all the amps, your come to the water for the peace an quite, that's why I try to go during the week, you run into nicer people.

Re: How do you deal with issues with fellow boaters........

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 9:20 am
by dockholiday
could try these as a counter measure.............. ... nAodOHuimQ

although cherry bombs would be cheaper.

Like the peace and solitude of the lake, that's why I like to go on weekdays. The kids across the cove just got new wave runners. Don't think they left the cove but a few times, just spent most of the time cutting doughnuts with the girls screaming, guess I can hold on until they break them, shouldn't be long.

Re: How do you deal with issues with fellow boaters........

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 10:42 am
by badmoonrising
We've never had an issue with loud music out on the Bohemia. Canal Day is different. Everyone knows if you annoy our raftup, there will be hell to pay. Super soakers, water balloons, etc, always seems to target the assholes. :rofl :rofl

I have issues with jackasses and go fast boats, seems the louder the motor, the bigger the asshole that owns it. Same deal, water balloons at the ready, fire at will :rofl :rofl :rofl

We have a decibel limit on the upper bay now, it covers loud exhaust and loud music.

Re: How do you deal with issues with fellow boaters........

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 12:06 pm
by REPETE I ever on the same page as you. I just CAN NOT STAND people that aren't considerate of those around them.

I also can't stand the fuckheads that think they need to prove they have a faster boat...or louder stereo... (or faster car etc...)

I saw the same fucking IDIOT two days in a row when driving to work...keep burning rubber around every turn in some piece of shit old truck...I'm looking at him like...are you fucking kidding me? Small dick syndrome or what?!??!?

I think you should just walk over to them and ask if they can turn it down...maybe they are just not very smart ...they maybe don't even realize how stupid they are being. Woman can often get away with this more than us men. If I asked the idiots to turn down the music and they gave me a hard time...I'd have a hard time leaving it alone...and it's not worth the definite trouble I'd get into. One of the harest parts of getting old for me has been turning the other direction when I'd really like to "deal with" something. I remember when I was a kid and I heard this old guy say to this young punk "I'd kick your fucking ass if I was 10 years younger". Now I know exactly what he meant.

Re: How do you deal with issues with fellow boaters........

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 12:50 pm
by Bamby
At least it seems we're not alone on this issue. If it's early enough in the day we'll often move our-selfs and the boat down the sandbar aways. But this is a popular party spot and fills up early. But thats why it's a good time there, maybe not quite BMR's channel days but sometimes could be close.

Maybe whats really eating at me most is the fact on top of being forced to listen to distorted loud music we found ourselfs being taken advantage of also. This one fool with several young children would signal our boat out to park beside and then mossy off down the sandbar leaving us babysitting his kids without asking us. The one kid was only about two and he didn't put life jackets on him ether. The water there drops off fast and the baby was always playing on the edge of it. We'd never forgiven ourselfs should that child would drown and someone needed to watch out for the baby. Even his older children shouldn't have been left alone the oldest was apx. 10 yrs. and not responsible enough for as fast as the baby could drown.

We sure felt exploited and taken advantage to the point or verge of violence. Sometimes life ain't fair and I guess I'm just blowing off some steam here by sharing it with you all. I've got all winter to figure it out before for next year after all.

Re: How do you deal with issues with fellow boaters........

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 2:16 pm
No doubt these are the same type of assholes that would never stop to help a boat dead in the water or help anyone out.

A few years ago I was dead floatin in the middle of a set of channel markers. I'm hangin over the back of the boat working on my motor. (my old toon) I was amazed at how many boats came by so fast and rocked us so hard that I had to hold on....the shitheads couldn't even slow down for 5 seconds! They could see I was hangin out there...didn't matter.

This past year was also my worst year ever with idiot rude fisherman. I think the world is getting uglier by the day.

Re: How do you deal with issues with fellow boaters........

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 3:27 pm
by badmoonrising
One problem I had at Canal Days was people asking to use our head because they showed up in an open boat that didn't have one or theirs was so uncomfortable that they just HAD to use mine. I nipped that in the bud by saying of you aren't my crew or I don't see titties, you're shit out of luck (pun intended). Works pretty good so far. :rofl :rofl :rofl

Re: How do you deal with issues with fellow boaters........

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 4:22 pm
by dockholiday
badmoonrising wrote:One problem I had at Canal Days was people asking to use our head because they showed up in an open boat that didn't have one or theirs was so uncomfortable that they just HAD to use mine. I nipped that in the bud by saying of you aren't my crew or I don't see titties, you're shit out of luck (pun intended). Works pretty good so far. :rofl :rofl :rofl

sounds like a fair trade to me.............tits for a toilet or in this case.......tits for head....

Re: How do you deal with issues with fellow boaters........

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 5:11 pm
by mikeherb
[quote]Now I'll admit I actually like music myself, but their is a good chance my taste of good tunes may not be your choice of music. And even if I do like and enjoy the tunes being played I may not enjoy it as loud as you do ether./quote]

Which is exactly why it should never be played loud. We have boats play loud music in the main channel near our house from time to time but do not have the traffic on our lake where we run into any issues.

BMR, the go fast boats piss me off too. Douche Bags all who drive those boats.

My neighbor has a truck that fits into the hayseed category too. Wakes me up most mornings at 4:45 am heading to work. He's not a bad guy but he buys a brand new truck and within 3 days he has glass packs on it vibrating the whole neighborhood.

Re: How do you deal with issues with fellow boaters........

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 6:04 pm
by badmoonrising
sundeckbentley wrote:
BMR, the go fast boats piss me off too. Douche Bags all who drive those boats.

Yeah I've met alot of go fast boaters and there's a select few that aren't douchebags. I met one guy that was cool at this year's Canal Days, that was it. :rofl :rofl

Re: How do you deal with issues with fellow boaters........

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 6:54 am
badmoonrising wrote:
sundeckbentley wrote:
BMR, the go fast boats piss me off too. Douche Bags all who drive those boats.

Yeah I've met alot of go fast boaters and there's a select few that aren't douchebags. I met one guy that was cool at this year's Canal Days, that was it. :rofl :rofl

Yep...It just makes sense if you think about it. Many of these go fast boats aren't even set up for skiing and they don't ski from them.'s like...why buy a boat like that when there's many better options to be more comfortable on the water? Why...because they have small dick syndrome. :rofl :lol3 Sorry....guess I'm a little sick and tired of these idiots also. I agree Ed, it's not every single one of them but it's certainly most of them. I'll sit on my pier on a summer day and a few times a day some idiot will come flying past full throttle within 20 yards or so...just showing the world how fast he can go as he creates chaos and mass waves driving along the shoreline! :x :x :x

Re: How do you deal with issues with fellow boaters........

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 10:12 am
by badmoonrising
Yep, it's all "look at me, look at me" with go fasters, obviously compensating. :rofl :rofl :rofl

Re: How do you deal with issues with fellow boaters........

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 6:42 am
by JohnO
Bamby wrote: This one fool with several young children would signal our boat out to park beside and then mossy off down the sandbar leaving us babysitting his kids without asking us. The one kid was only about two and he didn't put life jackets on him ether. The water there drops off fast and the baby was always playing on the edge of it. We'd never forgiven ourselfs should that child would drown and someone needed to watch out for the baby. Even his older children shouldn't have been left alone the oldest was apx. 10 yrs. and not responsible enough for as fast as the baby could drown.
Pray that he does it again this year. Have the police (water patrol, DNR etc) and child protective services on speed dial. The moment he walks away call in the report of abandoned children including a toddler without a life jacket. Call CPS first so they'll come and get the kids.

He won't abandon them again (If he ever gets them back). People like this need to be publicly horsewhipped within an inch of their lives.