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Ratings for Fisher or Bentley or other brands

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 7:02 pm
by newbe123
Loooking to buy my first pontoon boat (also first boat). Live in Georgia and have seen a few Fisher pontoons for sale and would like some feedback on how well they are made. Understand they are made by Tracker. Also have seen a number of Bentleys and have seen some issues mentioned on other sites about Bentley factory support. would appreciate any feedback on any brand as well. Thanks -

Re: Ratings for Fisher or Bentley or other brands

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 5:22 am
by texaspontoon
I have been really happy with my Voyager (see their site it is a really good boat for the money ($33,000 out the door w/honda 150), and one of the few I could find with foam filled logs rather than air chambered. Their warranty has been "No questions asked" of a few minor issues.

I have the fish and cruise deluxe. Great layout for fishing and for tubing and cruising. I think I would have gone with a 225 if I had the money.

Re: Ratings for Fisher or Bentley or other brands

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 6:37 am
by Bamby
I’d like to question both you and the board here about the statement “one of the few I could find with foam filled logs rather than air chambered”. Just how are foam filled pontoons superior to the “air chambered” pontoons typically used by most pontoon boat manufactures. If a boater utilizes their boat in waters that may contain hazards that could potentially perforate or hull one of pontoons, I was always under the impression that typical air chambered pontoons would be more realistic to fix or repair. In my boating area at least I know of several folks who’ve have managed to hull their boats, and with the exception of one whose damage was too extensive all were reasonably and somewhat inexpensively repaired by an experienced welder with aluminum.

It’s been my understanding that it’s extremely difficult or maybe impossible to make similar repairs with “foam filled logs” without creating a lot of collateral damage to the flotation foam which would have the potential of compromising it completely. There are stories where the logs have leaked and the flotation foam has saturated with water and had to be removed at a large expense. And if foam filled is actually superior why aren’t more of the recognized superior pontoon boat manufactures utilizing them in their products?

In my case I’ll stick with the inferior “air chambered” pontoons whereas I can pull the plug and drain them and weld them up if something unfortunately ever happens to them.

Re: Ratings for Fisher or Bentley or other brands

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 7:54 am
by The_Hellbilly
Bamby wrote:It’s been my understanding that it’s extremely difficult or maybe impossible to make similar repairs with “foam filled logs” without creating a lot of collateral damage to the flotation foam which would have the potential of compromising it completely. There are stories where the logs have leaked and the flotation foam has saturated with water and had to be removed at a large expense. And if foam filled is actually superior why aren’t more of the recognized superior pontoon boat manufactures utilizing them in their products?

In my case I’ll stick with the inferior “air chambered” pontoons whereas I can pull the plug and drain them and weld them up if something unfortunately ever happens to them.
I've got a Voyager also, and foam filled logs are the only way to go. I had a crack along the end of one of my strakes this summer and got it fixed for free. It was pretty simple for the dealer to fix. I posted a thread on here somewhere.

Here is a link to the truth:

Here is what it says for those scared of links:
Three falsehoods that are commonly used when selling against Voyager are:

1) The foam is heavy.
FACT - The foam used weighs about one pound per cubic foot. A 22’ Voyager has about 60 pounds of foam per log. A round log requires risers and bulkheads that add a comparable amount of weight to a competitive pontoon.

2) The foam soaks up water.
FACT - The foam used is closed cell foam, it will not soak up water. The foam displaces water in the unlikely event of a puncture. A 22’ Voyager has enough foam to fully support well over four tons of weight.

3) A punctured foam filled log cannot be welded due to a fire hazard.
FACT - The foam is self extinguishing; which means it cannot burn on its own. Welding will not set the log on fire. Any competent welder can easily repair pontoon damage.

During construction Voyager places the foam billet in the partially completed pontoon, the pontoon cap is set in place and welded shut.

Voyager U pontoons are 25% larger in volume than the industry standard of 23” round.

Re: Ratings for Fisher or Bentley or other brands

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 9:01 am
by Bamby
Nobody has still actually showed or proved where the U formed pontoons are actually superior in any way. Any manufacture can give political speak as to why their method of manufacture is best or better. Here's a quote from another manufacture as to why their round ones are better.
The round logs are made from rolled sheet, a PITA to build right, even in a production setting.

Some pontoon manufacturers actually resort to using a simpler, easier to manufacture pontoon design than the round sealed design.

They build a "U" shaped pontoon log filled with expanding foam. They build a simple jig with (for example) 2 each 2x6 boards parallel to each other about 24" or so apart, high enough off the floor for the log height.

They then break a 90 deg. bend (about 2-3" wide) on each side of the alum. sheet (they all use 5052 alloy .080-.090 thick), then lay the sheet on top the jig w/ the bends down (hanging over the 2x6's), then 2 or 3 guys start jumping down the center (really)until the 90 deg. breaks are hanging off the 2x6's...viola! a U-shaped pontoon! Then weld in some U shaped bulkheads and a nose-cone, fill the logs w/ foam and weld a flat sheet on top to seal everything up.

The advantage to this system is (other than ease of assembly, cheap jigs, critical welds are done flat, etc) is now you also have a flat surface to start your decking braces from, the round logs have to have a bunch of angle braces welded to the top surface to give you a flat to mount everything to and require higher skilled labor for their construction
We all love our particular boats here, and I'm not seeking an argument either but let's not totally confuse the new-bees. Let's try to keep it informational and constructive criticism of the good and bad of both pontoon designs.

Re: Ratings for Fisher or Bentley or other brands

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 1:57 am
Last year when I was trying to decide what boat to buy, I had my choices narrowed down to 2 boats, one made by G3, the other bennington. One of the first things that came out of the G-3 salesmans mouth was the G3 had U shaped, foam filled logs... He went on to tell my how advantageous they were compared to the standard round logs... Then I contacted Bennington and asked them about the difference between the two types of logs... wish I had kept the return email because they made a very strong case for round logs. Really it was quite convincing. In the end I determined that it was pretty much 6 to 1, half a dozen of the other... it's your preference. as far as performance goes, I don't think it really makes any significant difference to the 'average" tooner.... jmo

Re: Ratings for Fisher or Bentley or other brands

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 6:09 am
by texaspontoon
I agree Bamby, there is no proof or 100% reason to go with either air chambered or foam filled, u-shaped or round logs..but I did my research, threw darts at the wall of two and made my decision :scared not know for sure what the right or correct one was. :lol3

But the truth is I felt like foam filled u shaped was the way I wanted to go, and that (and price) is why I went with Voyager. But you are right, we all love our boats, and I would probably be just as happy with one rather than the other. But me personally, I would rather have foam in my toon log than air if I ran aground and ripped a nice gash down the side of my log.

But Newbie 123, just get something with a good reliable motor and with all the features you are looking for AND USE THE BOAT OFTEN! It will not be much fun sitting in the driveway! :)

Re: Ratings for Fisher or Bentley or other brands

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 1:58 pm
by Bamby
:wink: The reality truly is that both pontoon designs are perfectly acceptable in real world applications. If every aspect of the pontoon is right when built it's highly unlikely any foam will ever come into play anyway. A pontoon is in some respects like a glass held upside down under water. We all know there is one hell of a hole at the bottom, but since the air can't escape through the top it's thereby trapped inside the glass providing flotation. The reality of it is if the U shaped pontoons are sealed tight to specs the aspect of the foam is really unnecessary as foam would be in the round pontoons.

Now back around to the original question about Fisher and Bentley pontoon boats. The Fishers for all real purposes seem to be well made boats, and there are several in my boating area. But I will throw this out there also I'd stay away from their inboard models myself. There is a member on the board here who is very displeased with the performance of his inboard fisher and I've talked to a few other owners in person who've confirmed with inboards they're a fairly slow boat for as much motor as they have. I think it's a design problem with the motor shroud/pan underneath the boat causing water-flow problems but I haven't went under on yet to actually check it out, but it sure showed up in a photo I took of one recently.

Bentley did have some problems a while back for a short time. But I think they've now got everything straitened out again. There may be some issues about any potential warranty issues on those year models. If I rembember right most of the problems were actually about fit/finish/paint/and chrome not holding up.

Re: Ratings for Fisher or Bentley or other brands

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 2:37 pm
by OldePharte
Bamby - surely ya didn't believe the guy about how they "form" U-shaped logs did ya??? I have been through G-3, Voyager, and Sundancer plants and none of them did that. Had I heard a sales guy give me that line of BS and I would have walked away, not knowing what other blatant lies we would tell me about how good his stuff was. Sorry, but that hit a nerve.

There is that whole thing about buoyancy regarding a floating object vs a submerged object, but in practical terms means nothing.

In my experience it all comes down to how the tubes and deck are connected. Some cheaply made pontoons have a small M or W bracket spaced out along the tubes. IF one boats on a choppy lake or likes to make U-turns at high speed, there is a lot of stress on the bracket-tube connection. Over time it can break causing water to seep in. We have had several older toons come in listing real bad to one side. We offer to put them on our lift and drain the offending tube. Once done highly suggest they head back home before they do any further damage.

As far as the upturned glass - Apparently there are some round tube makers that have a small air release at the top of the tube. If one would gash a tube from stem to stern, it would seem that the air would escape and over ya go.

Having said all that, for full disclosure, my toon has non-foam filled U-shaped tubes. Kinda a bastard setup - a lot like me. :lol3

Re: Ratings for Fisher or Bentley or other brands

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 7:54 pm
by newbe123
I appreciate all the information. Lots to consider. Since I'm on the market for a used boat, I wont be able to be too picky about some things, but am mostly concerned with knowing what type of manufacturing short cuts to watch out for, like the comment on the how the tubes are connected and the deck are connected. I'm sure the lower priced ones use less costly manufacturing practices and want to avoid major repair costs.

Re: Ratings for Fisher or Bentley or other brands

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 12:16 pm
by Slow Rider
You might want to check out the Avalon pontoons. We got the ambassador (modified it a bit) and we are extremely happy with the quality of the boat and our dealer (Carey and Sons, TX) was terrific. The manuf even made a hard top for our boat based on some drawings we sent. Also we had teak decking instead of carpet and what a great thing to hose it down so easily (avalon has an inboard hose too). I have every comfort of home on this boat: potty, refrigerator, sink, seats to sleep on with camper and wine of course! This boat is well built and we have enjoyed it so much!

Re: Ratings for Fisher or Bentley or other brands

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 1:01 pm
by dockholiday
Got an 08 243 far so good. Not real plush but then again half the cost of a bennington or premier an such. Actually not a bad boat for the money along with tracker. If you are concerned with factory support I would go with tracker.